
miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009

Air pollution

This video explain what happen if the people still destroying the enviroment.

How to use an industrial filter

this video explain how to made an air filter.. this very cool


well Most important of all is that all companies are aware of the side effects is containacion to the industrial environment. That is a very hard but little by little the staff can raise awareness through conferences, talks to worry about the environment and could be a lot of patience

domingo, 26 de julio de 2009


May-July09 Team 4:

Team Members
Ignacio Davila-Leader
Phoebe Gómez-Assistant project leader
German Rodriguez-Technology
Yanina Alvilar-Secretary

Mind Map of the Project:


Our every day life has been directly affected by the industrial revolution and social groups have grown.This has made industry develop on big steps.This expansion has not been reflected just on physical spaces but also on the environment, for the past years men have focused on the elaboration of different products that attend their needs with the only goal to improve his well-being and lifestyle but in the process of accomplishing this goal, men have forgotten something more important, so important that without it he couldn't live, THE ENVIRONMENT
Engineering Solution (Proposal):

Giving conferences to companies that are polluting the environment. In this conferences we'll talk about possibles solutions to the problem, how can they change their way of working in order to help the environment.
Methodology (How are you planning to solve the problem):

1) Educating the Companies: We'll talk to the different polluting companies through group talks, because not only the head chief must know about this, but also all the employees in the companies.

2) Recycling: This is an incredible way to help the environment, we'll teach the companies that recycling is a win-win activity, they win because the can re-use their products, and also the environment wins.

3) Finding Alternatives Energy Sources: Most of the polluting companies are the ones that provide energy, such as electricity. For example, here in Maracaibo there's an electricity plant called "La Arriaga", this plant uses water from the lake, they boil this and they use the vapor to turn it into electricity, so when this process is finished the water is thrown again into the lake killing all the fish nearby. So, we can change this plant into another that uses wind instead of boiled water.

domingo, 12 de julio de 2009


1) Interviewer: Hi How Are you?
Me: Hello Fine and you.

2) I: Tell me something on your life?
M: my name is Phoebe Gomez I'm 23 years old I'm Industrial Engineering rigth now I live With my parents.

3) I: Do you have a car?
M: no right now

4) I: Where do you study? What is the most important thing of your carrer?
M: I'm study at URBE. Industrial Engineering, The most important thing of my carrer has the knowledge of industrial plants, generation power, managing materials, etc

5) I: Why do you interested in this work?
M: Because it's a very important company were I can find intelectual and engineering knowledge and I think It's gonna be fine to work here

6) I: How do you know about this company?
M: It's the best company of the market he has the major number of worldwide prodution

7) I: Right now we have a vacancy in prodution area, you have to take the control of everithing goes out and in, monthly your labour performance was wvaluated

8) I: The Benefits of working place are:
- Salary
- social security
- vacations
- medichal insure

9) I: Why do you think about the job?
M: I think that is a good work it was a goog benefits and the salary is according to the work that being granted to me

10) I: We will call you when we have the response
M: But I have the job?
I: yes, we will call you to say when do you enter to the company
M: Thank you for this opprtunity
I: Good Bye. It's nice to meet you
M: Good Bye. See you soon.

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

Project Team

Rigth now we are working in our project his name is Enviromental Industrial Project

You can see in ours project page.

We are group 4

Cover Letter

I go to you in looks for the work like industrial engineering, the announcement I saw by the page Web and fodder that I can hold the position since, I am a responsible person, likes to work in teams, I can work under pressure, and I like the challenges and to learn in everything with respect to my area,I will like to work in our company because I can help you to improve our sales, qualitys and producctivity
I hope to soon have their answer, thank you.

domingo, 28 de junio de 2009


Calle 77 con Av 2B

Objeive: To find a entry level job for an Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Education: University: 2003-to date. Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín University.
To become: Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
School: 2000-20003 U.E Colegio Santa Maria Goretti
Degree: Bachelor of Science

-Great team-worker
-Lots of ideas
-Solves problems

- Fabiola Rodriguez- Mechanical Engineering
- Neholy Marchan – Industrial Engineering

My dream job

I will like create my own company. First I will stared with a little company and Growing little by little.

martes, 23 de junio de 2009

My First Job

Student Engineer: Raytheon

Company Name Raytheon
Job Category Engineering
Location Reston, VA
Position Type Full-Time, Employee
Experience 0-1 Years Experience
Desired Education Level Other
Date Posted June 19, 2009

Raytheon Technical Services Company LLC (RTSC) provides technical, scientific, and professional services for defense, federal, and commercial customers worldwide. RTSC specializes in management, operation, and maintenance of customer facilities, equipment, and systems; logistics and life-cycle support; overhaul and repair depot operations; engineering, logistics, and personnel support; space and earth sciences; test and training range support; IT services, and privatization of government services.

Job Description: As a Student Engineer for Engineering you will participate in various organizational reviews for validation of processes and procedures for the ATCOTS Program. You will participate in engineering data collection and analysis of program data and provide the necessary reports to help leadership in the decision making process. Monitor program performance goals and report status to leadership. Attend monthly meetings focusing on performance metrics and program status. Work with the Execution Manager and the ATCOTS LT on proposals and cost estimates. The Student Engineer will also assist in performing Engineering Control Account Management (CAM) activities on as required.

Required Skills: Working knowledge of MS Office Suite (Word, Excel and PowerPoint, plus Access) US Citizen

Desired Skills: Ability to balance technical/cost/schedule constraints to achieve customer satisfaction. Experience in planning, scheduling and cost estimating tasks. Working knowledge of MS Project

lunes, 22 de junio de 2009


A simple definition of leadership is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal.

Put even more simply, the leader is the inspiration and director of the action. He or she is the person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and skills that makes others want to follow his or her direction.

In business, leadership is welded to performance. Effective leaders are those who increase their companys' bottom lines.

domingo, 7 de junio de 2009


I recently interviewed my best friend engineer Fabiola Rodriguez; here are some of his answers.

1.-Could you please define Engineering in your own words?
Engineering is the way we analyze, evaluate and study all the events manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines.

2.-What influenced you to pursue Electronics engineering, industrial engineering, computer science engineering or mechanicals engineering?
I was influenced by machines and the way they move and there design.

3.-Could you please describe the educational process required to become an Engineer?
You have to study very hard and really like this career because it’s not very easy

4.-What are the skills you need to be a good engineer?
Be constant, study hard, really like it and learn English.

5.-What job considerations were you looking for after you completed your education?
Good salary and work at Enelven in the project wind energy I like it a lot.

6.-What's something of your school life that you enjoy the most?
The first’s semesters when I study whit my friends all night long

7.-From your perspective, what is the most difficult part of being an engineering student?
All the hours you have to study and not be with you’re friends

8.-What are your plans for the future?
Study another career and work on a good company

9.-Point out your most personally gratifying moment in engineering school.
When I present my thesis.

10.-Why would you recommend Engineering as a career?
I would recommend it because is very good and people respect you.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009


Industrial engineering

A branch of engineering dealing with the design, development, and implementation of integrated systems of humans, machines, and information resources to provide products and services. Industrial engineering encompasses specialized knowledge and skills in the physical, social, engineering, and management sciences, such as human and cognitive sciences, computer systems and information technologies, manufacturing processes, operations research, production, and automation. The industrial engineer integrates people into the design and development of systems, thus requiring an understanding of the physical, physiological, psychological, and other characteristics that govern and affect the performance of individuals and groups in working environments.
Industrial engineering is a broad field compared to other engineering disciplines. The major activities of industrial engineering stem from manufacturing industries and include work methods analysis and improvement; work measurement and the establishment of standards; machine tool analysis and design; job and workplace design; plant layout and facility design; materials handling; cost reduction; production planning and scheduling; inventory control, maintenance, and replacement; statistical quality control; scheduling; assembly-line balancing, systems, and procedures; and overall productivity improvement. Computers and information systems have necessitated additional activities and functions, including numerically controlled machine installation and programming; manufacturing systems design; computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, design of experiments, quality engineering, and statistical process control; computer simulation, operations research, and management science methods; computer applications, software development, and information technology; human-factors engineering and ergonomics; systems design and integration; and robotics and automation.
The philosophy and motivation of the industrial engineering profession is to find the most efficient and effective methods, procedures, and processes for an operating system, and to seek continuous improvement. Thus, industrial engineering helps organizations grow and expand efficiently during periods of prosperity, and streamline costs and consolidate and reallocate resources during austere times. Industrial engineers, particularly those involved in manufacturing and related industries, work closely with management. Therefore, some understanding of organizational behavior, finance, management, and related business principles and practices is needed. See also Computer-aided design and manufacturing; Human-factors engineering; Operations research; Production planning.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Go Green Help the planet!! Pleasee

Solar Power

>Solar energy technologies, which harness the sun’s energy to generate electrical power, are some of the fastest growing sources of renewable energy on the market today. Engineers and scientists worldwide are collaborating to lower the material costs of solar cells, increase their production efficiency, and create innovative products and applications based on photovoltaic and solar thermal collector technology. National Instruments offers a complete platform of tools and technologies that facilitate and increase the productivity of these efforts.

T711 class

Germán Rodríguez
Mariangely Diaz
Kevelin Sanchez
Veronica Franco
Vanessa Villasmil
Juan Piñeiro
Yilda López
Yanina Alviilar
Luis Delgado
Luis Urdaneta Paz
Ricardo Schilling
Ignacio Davila
Carolina Zambrano B
Asdrubal Polidor
Jessica Cuello
Ignacio Davila

martes, 5 de mayo de 2009


Hi people! my name is Phoebe Gomez i'm from T711 class and i like to learn english

I like go out, watch tv and another things.
Right now i want to graduate and go to work hahahahha.